

Dec 19, 2023

GM reaches agreement with Tesla to let EVs use Superchargers

General Motors said Thursday it has reached an agreement with Tesla to allow GM electric vehicles to charge at 12,000 Tesla Superchargers starting in 2024.

GM also will build Tesla's preferred North American Charging Standard connectors into its EVs starting in 2025, the automaker said.

"Our vision of the all-electric future means producing millions of world-class EVs across categories and price points, while creating an ecosystem that will accelerate mass EV adoption," GM CEO Mary Barra said in a statement. "This collaboration is a key part of our strategy and an important next step in quickly expanding access to fast chargers for our customers. Not only will it help make the transition to electric vehicles more seamless for our customers, but it could help move the industry toward a single North American charging standard."

Access to Tesla's network first will require an adapter, before the NACS connector is built into GM's EVs, the automaker said. GM also eventually will provide adapters so that EV owners will be able to charge at stations with traditional Combined Charging System ports.

Ford Motor Co. last month said it would give owners of its EVs access to about 12,000 Tesla Superchargers starting next spring through adapters. Ford also will stop building EVs with traditional Combined Charging System ports starting in 2025, instead using the North American Charging Standard port used by Tesla.

Tesla operates about 17,000 charging connectors, and its fast-charging network is considered both the largest and most reliable in the U.S. Ford's deal with Tesla is the first such agreement with another automaker, and some analysts have said it could open the door to future such partnerships.

Lindsay VanHulle, Automotive News Lindsay VanHulle, Automotive News